EvenChem White Masterbatches

Customised to match clients’ needs

’s own white PE masterbatches can be used directly to process blown and cast films, in order to produce superior plastic products such as shopping bags, milk films, diapers and sanitary napkins.

Always sensitive to market needs and client concerns, we have developed this white masterbatch as a ready-made material that plastic manufacturing or processing plants can use to eliminate the time and manpower-related costs involved in mixing TiO2 (a white pigment) with PE resin. The masterbatch is an accurately formulated premix containing exactly the right percentages of TiO2, PE resin, resin and other additives.

These products will eventually be distributed throughout China and overseas. They will create a win-win relationship between Even and our clients and suppliers.


EC 1500 EC 1600

Hong Kong Headquarters

Unit 1705, 17/F Win Plaza,

9-11 Sheung Hei Street,

San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel:(852) 2633 2309

Fax:(852) 2687 5575

Guangzhou Office

Rm. 1703, 445  Dongfengzhong Road

(Yuexiu City Plaza North Tower)
Guangzhou, China. 510045

Tel:(8620) 8356 6726

Fax:(8620) 8355 7703

Shanghai Office

Rm. 1509, Zhong Huang Building,

No. 1007 Zhong  Shan Nan Er Road,
Shanghai, China. 200030

Tel:(8621) 6457 0569

Fax:(8621) 5410 7369